
What You Should Know About Slip And Fall Claims


Slip and fall claims are one of the most difficult legal cases to navigate. Even if the accident was truly not your fault, it can be easy for the property owner's insurer to twist the facts and prevent you from getting adequate compensation. If you have recently been injured in a fall and are considering a slip and fall claim, here are four things you should know to help you win your case.

27 January 2015

5 Truths About Car Accidents You Should Know


Car accidents occur every day, and many people have been involved in more than one car accident in their lifetime. While some car accidents are quite minor and result in little more than a few scrapes and bruises, others are much more serious and result in the critical injury, hospitalization, disability and even the death of the victim. Here are 5 staggering truths about car accidents, and what to do if you or a loved one were involved in a motor vehicle accident of any kind.

20 January 2015

Dealing with DUI? 5 Reasons You Need a Lawyer

Law Articles

When you are arrested for a DUI, you don't always need to be represented by an attorney. If you have never been in trouble before and your blood alcohol concentration was less than .11, you might just want to plead guilty and move on. However, there are many circumstances when the smart choice is to hire a lawyer. Here are five of them.  You Aren't Guilty If you honestly, truly were not driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, you are going to need an attorney to prove it to the judge.

15 January 2015

The Fate Of Your Property After Filing For Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

Law Articles

As we're moving deeper into the New Year, an increasing number of people are getting ready to apply some of the new resolutions that they've set for 2015 such as tackling their financial woes. Personal bankruptcy is arguably the last resort for many indebted people, but it doesn't necessarily mean that it's the worst debt relief option. When considering filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, most people fear that they might lose all their assets.

7 January 2015

It's Never Convenient To Be Injured: Understand How To Protect Yourself From Harm At Convenience Stores.

Law Articles

Out of all the things that happen in the daily life of a commuter, not much seems as mundane as stopping at a convenience store to buy fuel. Dodging irresponsible drivers zipping down the freeway seems a lot harder to do than getting a fill-up. However, the reality is that some convenience stores are filled with potential injury pitfalls, and you must be alert when making a stop. Below are some of the dangers and ways to protect yourself from the dangers at convenience stores:

29 December 2014

3 People You May Need To Deal With After You File An Injury Claim


Whether you are injured in a car accident or have a work-related injury, it's important to understand who you may need to deal with during the litigation process for your injury claim, and what their roles are during the process. Here are 3 professionals you may become very familiar with during the litigation process.   Adjuster You will need to deal with at least one adjuster. Adjusters work for the insurance company.

23 December 2014

How Is Fault Determined In A Car Accident?

Law Articles

If you're ever involved in a car accident, one of your first things to address will be who is at fault. Deciding whose fault an accident is can be a complicated issue, so how exactly is fault determined? Here you will learn a little about how insurance companies, police officers and lawyers determine fault, and how that will affect your case. Comparative Negligence The first thing you need to find out from your counsel is whether your state is a tort state or whether the state recognizes comparative negligence.

23 September 2014